On all questions connected to performance of acquainting and promenade flights, plane operating training and getting the certificate of the amateur pilot, becoming a club member, and other interesting questions you can directly address to "Airclub "Aist-M ":
Phones: +7(095) 552-5660, 555-1090
Fax: +7(095) 552-5660
Chairman of board | | - Markalov Alexander Anatoljevich |
Flight director | | - Markalov Vyacheslav Anatoljevich |
The chief of a staff | | - Zolotaryov Lilija Lavrentjevna |
We work daily (including the days off and holidays) from 9.00 till 19.00
The aeroclub is based on Moscow region's airfield Mjachkovo that is located 20 kilometers southeast from Moscow and is connected to capital by automobile highway.
So, you go down the Volgograd prospectus from the center. Cross MKAD, through some kilometers Lyubertsy will stay to the left. By the way, on the right are an appreciable complex "McDonalds" and the automobile market. Then the road will pass above the railway bridge, on the right you will see hothouses of state farm "Belaya Dacha". Further the highway passes under the automobile bridge and crosses the road on Litkarino. Then you go through settlements Octiabrsky, Ostrovtsy, and turn to the right in the middle of Ostrovtsy, it is 15,5 kms far from Moscow.
The circuit of travel »»